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Employee Equipment Checkout Form Template

Employee Equipment Checkout Form Template

Keep track of employee equipment requests and approvals.

Simplify your workflows

Losing track of company assets can cost you big. Ensure you know exactly what equipment goes where with this form. When it's time to do an equipment audit, you'll be prepared! No more time spent chasing paper trails or losing data entirely. Track which computers, cell phones, and other tools are given to which employees, and get employee consent on care and maintenance requirements. With a secure way to track equipment checkouts, you'll have a clear view of your inventory and usage starting with our equipment checkout form.

Capture submissions anywhere

Are your equipment rentals housed within a business hub or service area? Make it quick and easy for people to submit their form by putting a tablet in your service center. Whether it's staffed or self-service, the easy access will make it a breeze for employees to request the equipment they need. All of Formstack's templates are mobile-responsive out of the box, meaning your employees can submit the form from any device.

Collect signatures online

This employee equipment checkout form template comes with an embedded eSignature field. On a phone, tablet, or computer, employees can simply use their finger or mouse to submit their signature when checking out equipment. Once they've signed and submitted, you can send this data to your favorite tools with a variety of third-party integrations.

Speed up approvals

Does a manager or business operations director need to sign off on equipment checkouts? Use Formstack's Approvals tool with this equipment checkout form to set up a seamless online approval process that lets team members review requests. No more long email threads, lost paperwork, scanning, or faxing! All of your data is conveniently stored in one place.

Automate communication

Set up email confirmations to keep employees in-the-know on equipment rentals. When a form is submitted, you can trigger an email to the correct person so they can prepare the equipment for pick-up. With email logic enabled, you can create customized emails for different individuals and situations depending on the data that's submitted on your forms. Keep your equipment checkout process running smoothly, and ensure team members stay in the loop.

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